Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most compassionate, most merciful.)
Print address label, cards and more. Get data from MS Excel, MS Access and print on your labels!
Business Card Software
Belltech Business Card Designer Pro
Our business card software helps you
create nice business cards quickly and
then print on your own printer or bring to a professional printshop for printing.
You can print on papers from Avery, Formtec, Herma, Sigel, DECAdry etc.
For outside printing you can export your design as a pdf or jpg file from this
Business Card Maker.
Business Card Designer Pro comes with a lot of "Business Card Templates" for all businesses,
and is equipped with good design tools.
Use one of the supplied business card templates and backgrounds, add your business logo, text and artwork to create professional
cards quickly.
You can create one or two-sided cards, horizontal or vertical cards.
* Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista /XP compatible
CaptureXT Screen Capture
Capture your desktop view and edit them easily!
Capture your desktop view and edit them easily! Belltech CaptureXT is a screen
capture utility to help on many tasks. You can create presentations from
your screen views, capture error screens and share, annotate
captured image in many ways.
Use this screen capture utility to capture any part of your
PC screen and edit in many ways. After capture, apply image effects, add
callouts, arrows, high-light an area and more and then email your capture.
What it can't do: can't capture large scrollable webpage. You can capture parts of it that is visible.
Some customers reported that hotkey capture sometimes does not work. Please download a free trial and verify it
for yourself.
* Windows 8 / 7 / Vista /XP compatible
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Small Business Publisher
Use software meets some of your business printing needs! (Not all printing needs, depeneding on what you want to print.)
Small Business Publisher,
a good quality (as far as what we see and some customers say) business
printing software to print address labels, letterheads, flyers, name badges, postcards, envelopes etc.
It comes with many design templates and supports most standard papers.
We have bundled quick a few features based on our understanding of your need.
So please verify if that works for you, before you buy.
You can print labels or name badges with different address or name on each label/badges.
You can import data from Microsoft Excel files, Access Databases or CSV, Tab or any delimited text files.
Create your work with lot of shapes, text, logos, color blends, shadows and more.
* Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista /XP compatible
What you can design?
-Address Labels
-ID/Name Badges
-Invitation Cards
-Restaurant Menus
Study The Quran - Word for word
The Noble Quran
The Qur’an is a revelation from Allah (The God), the Almighty. Allah has revealed many books to His prophets and messengers,
and Quran is the last and the final book from Allah. Other books that were revealed by Allah are Torah (to Moses),
Injeel (New Testament to Jesus), Zaboor (Pslams to David) etc. But these books are not in their original form any more.
People have added or deleted or modified many texts in these books.
Quran is the only book that is preserved until today as it was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago.
Quran is the most important book in a Muslim's life. We, Muslims, seek guidance and answers to our problems from Quran
and another collection of books called Hadith.
We, Muslims, recite from the Quran (in Arabic) during our daily prayers.
Quran (the Arabic version) is the speech of Allah.
With this website, you can study the Quran word for word. This site helps you memorize the meaning of each word in The Quran,
and word by word online Quran learning is made easy, all praises are due to Allah.
You can highlight or underline words and track your progress, insha'Allah.
Registration is FREE. Sign Up here
Business Card Software
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